Robb Flynn
I think every time I have seen Machine Head in the past it has been at a festival or a large outdoor concert, never in an intimate club setting, needless to say I jumped at the opportunity to cover their show as soon as possible. While the set list was heavily weighted towards their newest album, “Bloodstone & Diamonds” they still included a healthy mix of some of their old favorites. This was the best I had ever seen them. The instrumentals, the vocals, everything sounded so powerful and crisp, that alone was enough for the crowd to get completely lost in the music. Robb Flynn looked more passionate and more in tune with his band than I had seen him in the past, he has always sounded good, but you can tell he is on top of his game. Guitarist, Phil Demmel is always a blast to watch, he likes to pent up at the top of the stage and get in your face, the crowd absolutely loves it. Newest edition to the Machine Head family, Jared MacEachern fit right in with the rest of the guys, their chemistry with him was flawless. Phenomenal show tonight, the energy on stage and in the crowd was unmatched, definitely a tour to catch.